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Ibovespa 106.986 pts -0.047%

Porto Seco Cuiabá is located in the capital of the State of Mato Grosso, in the Industrial District of Cuiabá, close to the majority of industrial, commercial, and agribusiness companies in the state.

We are at the Geodesic Center of South America, with easy access to BR 364, a corridor that connects São Paulo to Acre, crossing the state of MT along with BR 163, which connects Rio Grande do Sul to Santarém in Pará.

As Multimodal Transport Operators - MTO, being 230 KM away from the railway branch (which spans 775 KM) connecting Rondonópolis (MT) to Santa Fé do Sul (SP), we can reduce transportation costs, facilitating the logistics of operations in Multimodal Customs Transport.




Distance between Ports and Airport

Aeroporto Internacional Marechal Rondon - 21 KM
Porto Paranaguá - 1.722 KM
Porto Santos - 1.611 KM

Terminal ferroviário de Rondonópolis - 230 KM